- Smithsonian Soils Exhibition
- Geology of South Carolina
- Soil Forms from Rocks
- Minerals and Rocks
- Bowen's Reaction Series - This animation shows how minerals form from magma (Courtesy of Wiley Interscience; Copyright © 2004 John Wiley and Sons).
- Soil Formation
- Soil Orders - Photo Gallery of soil orders and their uses in the US (Courtesy of Idaho State University).
- Soil Fertility
- Soil sample collection and laboratory analyses
- Soil Microbiology
- Soil Physics
- Texture
- Stoke's Law - This is an animation that provides a visual concept of Stoke's Law (Courtesy of Juma N.G.).
- Soil Texture Calculator - This is an animation that explains how the percentage of clay, silt, and sand affects the texture of the soil (Courtesy of North Carolina State University).
- Movies
- Virtual Soil Science Learning Resources