
Credits: 4 credit hour course

Class Schedule:
Lecture: 10:10-11:00 MWF, Location: TBA;
Laboratory: 10:10-11:00 MWF, Location: TBA.

Dr. Elena Mikhailova
206 Lehotsky Hall
Phone: 656-3535
Office hours: by appointment 

Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend every lecture/laboratory unless classes have been officially canceled by the University.  Attendance will be recorded at every lecture/laboratory and it is used in grade calculation (see Grading Policy). Students who miss more than 4 class meetings (without an official excuse, e.g. doctor's note etc.) will be dropped from the course.  If you miss a class, you are responsible for the material covered during that class.  If the professor is more than 15 minutes late for class, the class is considered cancelled and the students may leave.

Reading Assignments:
Posted in the Moodle.

Laboratory and Assignments: There will be laboratory and/or assignments every week except when noted by the instructor.

Exams and Quizzes: There will be two in-class exams during the semester and one project.  In-class exams will include material from both lectures and readings.  At the end of some class periods, there will be short-answer quizzes (suprise!) based on the reading assignments. No make-up quizzes and exams are allowed (unless there is a doctor's note). Bonus points and opportunities will be only available to the students who did not miss any exams and quizzes. Contact your Instructor for further clarification.

Bonus Points: There will be bonus points opportunities in the class to encourage active student participation. Bonus points will be added up at the end of each Unit and added to the grade of the in-class exam for that Unit.

Grading Policy:

2 in-class exams 15% each
State Soil Project 20%
Laboratory and assignments 30%
Quizzes 10%
Attendance/Participation 10%
Final Grade = 100%

Grading Scale:

100-90 %
89-80 %
79-70 %
69-60 %
Below 60 %

Academic Integrity Statement: " All students shall refer to the most current South Carolina State University Handbook for instructions on Academic Integrity.

The highest standards of academic integrity shall be expected of all students. As such, academic dishonesty is prohibited. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating on examinations, unauthorized collaboration on individual assignments, unauthorized access to examination materials, and plagiarism.

Plagiarism is defined as the unauthorized use of ideas and/or phrases and representing the same as your own, intentionally or unintentionally. As such, a writer may not use in his or her writing the language, ideas, phrases, or sentences taken verbatim from another’s writing unless due credit is given to the writer by quotation and citation.

Students found guilty of plagiarism will fail the course. If any student is unsure whether an act may violate integrity policy, please consult with the instructor before engaging in the act. "