Project: Adaptation of Soil Judging for Cameroon



Ph.D. (2013) - Celestine Che


Posters: 1) Che, C.A., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., Schlautman, M.A., Owino, T., and J.M. Galbraith. 2013. Adaptation of Soil Judging for Cameroon. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting in Tampa, FL, November 3-6.

1) Che, C.A., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Owino, T.O., and J.M. Galbraith. 2014. Adaptation of Soil Judging for Cameroon. On-line publication:

2) Che, C.A., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and T.O. Owino. 2014. Adaptation of Soil Judging for Cameroon. On-line publication. Link

3) Che, C.A. 2013. Regional Soil Project and Adaptation and Interpretation of Soil Judging Competition for Cameroon. PhD dissertation, Clemson University, SC. Link

4) Post, C., Ritter, B., Akturk, E., Breedlove, A., Buchanan, R., Che, C., Fravel, J., Hammett, L., Kirby, T., Mikhailova, E., Qiao, X., Short, J., and M. Stella. 2014. Analysis of factors contributing to abandoned residential developments using remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Urban Ecosyst. 18(3):701-713.


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