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FNR 499  


Credits: 50 min.

Class Schedule: Wed.: 12:20 - 1:10 pm in 231 Lehotsky.

Instructor (Wednesday Section):
Dr. Elena Mikhailova
206 Lehotsky Hall
Phone: 656-3535
Email: eleanam@clemson.edu
Office hours: TBA

Course Description: Exploration of current literature and research in natural resources. Students participate in the analysis of research findings, utilizing skills acquired in their undergraduate programs. Maybe repeated for maximum of two credits.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate students

Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend every class unless classes have been officially canceled by the University. Students who miss more than 3 classes will be dropped from the course. If you miss a class, you are responsible for the material covered during that class. If the professor is more than 15 minutes late for class, the class is considered canceled and the students may leave.

Notification of Absences: "Instructors may encourage students to use the Notification of Absence module in MyCLE (http://mycle.clemson.edu) to inform instructors of either an anticipated or an unanticipated absence. Following is the introductory statement on the CCIT website describing this program:

      “Students may now send a notice electronically to their professors of either an anticipated or unanticipated absence through MyCLE/Blackboard. With the Notification of Absences module, students can quickly notify all of their instructors of an absence. It remains the student’s responsibility to follow-up with professors to discuss any work which may be missed. A professor may require documentation (e.g., a walk-out statement from Redfern); as always, the professor is the one who determines if a student’s absence is excused or unexcused.”

All other aspects of class attendance are within the discretion of the instructor, department, or college responsible for the course."

Cell phones: Cell phones will be turned off during lecture periods. Students receiving calls during lecture will be asked to leave the classroom immediately, and will not be allowed to return to the classroom until the next scheduled lecture.

Reading Assignments:
No textbooks are required. Other materials will be provided as needed. Please, have a 2 inches thick folder for course materials.

Grading Policy:


Introduction to yourself
Final Grade =


Grading Scale:


100-90 %
89-80 %
79-70 %
69-60 %
Below 60 %


Clemson University Academic Integrity Statement: "As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson's vision of this institution as a 'high seminary of learning.' Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfullness, honor and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect for others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form.
In instances where academic standards may have been compromised, Clemson University has a responsibility to respond appropriately and expeditiously to charges of violations of academic integrity."

"When in opinion of a faculty member, there is evidence that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty, the faculty member shall make a formal written charge of academic dishonesty including a description of the misconduct, to the Dean of the Graduate School. At the same time, the faculty member may, but is not required to, inform privately the student charged of the nature of the allegation."

Final Examinations/Final Papers: "The standing of a student in his/her work at the end of a semester is based upon final papers, daily class work, tests or other work, and final examinations."

Retention of Examinations: "Clemson University faculty who exercise their right to retain student examinations are required to retain those examinations on file for the 90 (ninety) calendar day duration (exclusive of summer) allocated for final grade protests in the form of academic grievances."

Posting of Grades: "The United States Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits the public distribution of grades or graded work. This is commonly understood to include posting grades by student names, initials, or student social security number. It also is understood to include placing of graded material in a public place where students go through the material to find their own graded work."

Copyright Statement: "Materials in some of the courses are copyrighted. They are intended for use only by students registered and enrolled in a particular course and only for instructional activities associated with and for the duration of the course. They may not be retained in another medium or disseminated further. They are provided in compliance with the provisions of the Teach Act. Students should be reminded to refer to the Use of Copyrighted Materials and “Fair Use Guidelines” policy on the Clemson University website.  For additional information, visit  http://www.lib.clemson.edu/copyright/."

Disability Access Statement from the Office of Student Disability Services: "Student Disability Services coordinates the provision of reasonable accommodations for students with physical, emotional, or learning disabilities. Accommodations are individualized, flexible, and confidential based on the nature of the disability and the academic environment in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Students are encouraged to consult with the Disability Services staff early in the semester, preferably prior to the first day of class. Current documentation of a specific disability from a licensed professional is needed. Additional information or appointments are available from Student Disability Services, G-23 Redfern Health Center, 656-6848. Details on policies and procedures are available at www.clemson.edu/asc."

The Director of Student Health Services reminds students that it is not responsible behavior to expose classmates to infectious diseases.